The „Diamond_Thinking“ project aims to develop Diamond Open Access (DOA) business models and DOA best practices for journals, books and proceedings. Existing commercial offers are evaluated and a transformation or start-up in science-owned infrastructures is initiated. One of the most important objectives of the project is that these new DOA models , but that the scientific community is closely involved throughout the project.
KIT: An action plan for Diamond Open Access journals mobilizes Karlsruhe scientists to actively support the flipping or the development of new Open Access journals: DONAU4KIT (Diamond OpeN Access JoUrnals).
UBS: An action plan for für Diamond Open Access proceedings shifts part of the Stuttgart research output back to the research institution: OcToPUS (Open Science Tools and Services for Publishing University of Stuttgart).
- Duration: September 1, 2023 until August 31, 2025
- Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Richtlinie zur Förderung von Projekten zur Etablierung einer gelebten Open-Access-Kultur in der deutschen Forschungs- und Wissenschaftspraxis (Directive on the Funding of Projects for the Establishment of a Living Open Access Culture in German Research and Scientific Practice) of November 29, 2022
- Project partners: Library of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), University of Stuttgart Library (project management)
The project is carried out in close exchange with the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie (DGPhil, German Society for Philosophy).

Stefan Drößler
Academic Liaison Librarian, Open Access Officer, Coordination Publication Server OPUS, BMBF Grants TU9_Monos, Diamond Thinking, DFG Grant Open Access Publication Costs
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 83509
- Write e-mail
- The best way to reach me is by e-mail.

Sibylle Hermann
Dipl.-Ing.Publication Services (Head of Department), Academic Liaison Librarian,
Coordinator Research Data,
Third-party Funded Projects (Project Manager), Open Science

Jonas Scherr
PD Dr. habil.Team BMBF-Project "Diamond_Thinking", Sub-Project Manager "OcToPUS"